When you run your own business, getting people to know and recognize that business is crucial. You have to not only grab their attention, but make such an impression that your name will stick with them for a long time.
And anyone in this situation might do well to take a lesson from Nick Huckson, a plumber from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
His plumbing company, The Sault's Plumber, is a family business, but recently, Huckson boosted it from a local business to a much larger sensation thanks to a truly eyecatching work of art on his truck.
Why is it so successful? Well, it's hilarious. And humor is a great way to make people notice and appreciate a business, as one gas station in Seattle can tell you.
Take a look at Huckson's brilliant marketing strategy below. We guarantee you won't forget it!
[H/T: 22 Words]

Nick Huckson is a plumber in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, and he's also a brilliant marketer when it comes to getting people to remember his business.
He's also great at not taking himself too seriously, and he likes wearing green. These things will be important in a moment.

Huckson learned the plumbing trade from his grandfather, who ran W. Huckson plumbin in the 1960s.

Today, Huckson's company has a different name, but he uses the same logo his grandfather did in his honor.
But that's not quite all he's done to drum up business.
He's added a decal to the front of his truck that is definitely turning heads.


Naturally, people took immediate notice to this addition, and they thought it was hilarious. It made the rounds on the Internet, and Huckson's enjoying every minute of it.
And don't worry, his family appreciates it just as much as he does.

After all, it has to be good of business. Not only is it quite memorable, but people like to hire someone with a good sense of humor, and he's obviously very confident!

One drawback? Huckson has to wear green all the time to match. But that doesn't seem like a problem.

Huckson's become even more prominent in the community, and now he's not only providing a very necessary service, but making people smile, too.
SHARE this genius marketing tactic with your friends, and let them come up with their own "dump truck" jokes.