This Pit Bull Was JUST Rescued From Certain Death, And He Already Saved A Boy’s Life. Incredible.

TatorTot was just about to be put down when a family decided to take him in as a foster. Less than a week later, this lucky rescue pup from Minneapolis helped to save the life of his foster family's 4-year-old son. Christi Smith says TaterTot came to her in the middle of the night after he had tried, and failed, to rouse her son, Peyton. "He kept on whining and barking and running between the two of us," she says. "I checked on him, and he was barely breathing." Smith rushed the boy to the ER, where doctors found his blood sugar was dangerously low. A vet says he probably sniffed out the changes in the boy. "If his blood sugar was that low, he may have been producing ketones," she explains. "What, for us, is barely a whiff of something gives them a huge picture of what's going on."

How incredible!! TaterTot received the greatest gift he could have ever received, and returned the favor in the most amazing way possible. Unsurprisingly, Christi and her family decided to bring TaterTot into the family on a full-time basis. Yea, it's pretty safe to say he passed the test!

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