This Sick Child Was Finally Reunited With His Dad – And You’ll NEVER Believe Who Made It Happen.

Canadian airline WestJet is once again tugging at my heartstrings after releasing this jaw-dropping video, which takes customer service so far above and beyond any other company. They're always doing amazing things for people in need to help out Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada, which terminally-ill children. What they did for one hard-working father absolutely blew me away…

Marc Grimard will not be able to spend Father's Day with his wife and youngest son, Joel, who suffers from a rare and deadly heart condition. What WestJet did to bring this family together completely blew me away. Not only did they fly Marc and his older son, Matthew, to be with their family, they trained one of their own employees to do Marc's job for the five days he would be away. Holy heartstrings, it's going to take a lot to top this story. Please SHARE if it touched your heart.