He Makes 2 Loops In A Necktie. Seconds Later? I Had NO Idea!

I've known many who succumb to the aches and pains of properly tying a necktie, only to go out and purchase a clip-on. I totally understand; I'm a full-grown adult and I still don't know how to do it!

But worry no more, because the Crazy Russian Hacker is back with a brand new video tutorial, and here you'll learn how to tie a tie like a "ninja!" Creative and easy, I just wonder how he came up with this quick trick.

The main thing you need to do is form two loops in the tie with the tie laying flat out on a table. No tying it around your neck and upside-down. In just a matter of seconds, bamn! A perfectly finished knot.

Did you know this awesome trick?  Please SHARE it with your friends on Facebook!