These days, there is truly an app for everything. What one woman thought was going to be an app to help her with her snoring ended up alerting her to an unsettling fact.
TikTok user Rosa Chicas, @rosiduh, went viral after sharing that a snoring app had revealed a voice telling her some pretty hateful and even scary things, including to commit suicide. She was initially worried it was a ghost, but further recordings revealed something even scarier. It turned out that it was her boyfriend's mom whispering those things over her.
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Of course, this prompted commenters to ask her for footage and more to the story. She then explained why she wasn't going to reveal all, why she was still protecting her boyfriend's mom, and why she decided not to tell him what's happening.
Rosa began by explaining that she hadn't thought anything of sharing the story on TikTok. Once it blew up, she opted to be a little more conservative with the details.
"My mother-in-law lives with me because she just got out of prison and her baby daddy … I don't know, we don't know where he's at," she explained, noting that a lot of people assumed she was living with/"bumming off of" her mother-in-law.
"Her kids have been living with us for the past few years, and yes, they're still living with me in my house," Rosa continued.
She then went on to explain that she feared her boyfriend's mom would keep her children — her boyfriend's siblings — from them if she confronted her.
This would be particularly hard for Rosa to grapple with. After playing a very active role in raising them over the previous two years while their mom was in jail, Rosa now had to step back and let them reacclimate to life with their mom. She said that while her boyfriend's mom (whom she interchangeably refers to as her mother-in-law) is always nice and grateful to her face, she suspected some animosity was there.
Rosa explained she'd seen an app to record sleep noise on TikTok and decided to try it to hear herself snore. She heard that, but she also heard a voice saying some sinister things to her. In deleted TikToks, she acknowledged that some of what she heard being said was encouraging her to do harm to herself.
Rosa acknowledged that a lot of people worried she was in imminent danger, but she said she truly does not believe this is the case. She wants to let her boyfriend's mom go through what she's going through as she journeys toward being a better person and continues adjusting to her life after jail.
In an effort not to cause more drama, she also hasn't told her boyfriend this is happening. She also shared the footage to demonstrate that there was nothing else going on beyond the woman hovering over her, speaking. Still, a lot of commenters thought she was downplaying the situation.
Rosa reassured everyone that she was fine. She said she and her boyfriend had plans to move out soon.