10 Loving Tips That Could Help Save Your Marriage

They say that no one really knows what’s going on within a marriage, except for the two people in it.

That said, almost all of us can probably agree on a few points. Relationships, especially long-term relationships, go up and down. There will be times when you’re living out your storybook romance, and there will be times that you and your partner are just about ready to call it quits.

The good news is that all of that is completely normal. Weddings are all fun and games, but marriage is hard work, and sometimes it’s simply time to let things come to their natural end even if it’s painful, as the couple who famously took a divorce “selfie” demonstrated.

But sometimes, deep down, you just know your story isn’t over, and that’s all that really matters. No matter how desperate things seem, if you and your partner still think your marriage is worth saving, it is. Simple as that.

And if you’re serious about turning a rough patch into a new chapter in your relationship, there are a few proven steps that you and your spouse can take to move things in a more positive direction.

In the gallery below, we’ve broken down a few of the most important steps to saving your marriage and putting relationship challenges in the past.


1. Communicate

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

No problem, no matter how big or small, will ever be fixed if you and your partner aren't ready to sit down and have an honest conversation about it.

Communication is the foundation of any solid relationship.

2. Listen

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Of course, it's not just about speaking up and sharing your issues.

It's also important to be really present for your partner when they need you, whether it's to address a new road bump, or just to let them vent about work.

Of course, if the listening becomes too one-sided, and your partner isn't returning the favor, kindly let them know it's their turn to listen.

3. Fight Fair

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Once you start expressing pent-up issues and resentments, it's natural that some conflict will arise.

It's important to remember that fighting is normal and healthy, as long as you go about it the right way.

Don't launch personal attacks or pepper your partner with insults. Stay calm, and explain your own emotions, not their shortcomings.

4. Send Out Positive Energy

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

You've probably heard the expression "self-fulfilling prophecy." Well, it applies here.

If you're negative about the prospects of your marriage, your partner and the whole world will sense it, making it more likely that your efforts won't get off the ground.

If you concentrate hard on always finding the silver lining — even if you have to fake it til you make it — your good attitude will help fuel your rekindled romance.

5. Get Cozy

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

One of the inevitable side effects of emotional distance is physical distance.

You may not feel much like snuggling when you're in the middle of an argument, but putting your difference aside to curl up together on the couch will help you relax, and help renew your bond.

Doing this helps your body release oxytocin, the so-called "cuddle hormone," which will encourage you to cozy up more often.

6. Get Intimate

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

If cuddling goes well, that physical closeness might in turn jump-start your sex drive, which is often one of the first casualties of any relationship rough patch.

Spicing things up with renewed intimacy might be just the spark you need to rekindle your relationship, especially if you both put your newfound communication skills to work!

7. Find Common Ground

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Try to remember what brought the two of your together in the first place. Decide on an activity that you've both always loved, and share that experience together.

Whether it's going out to an amazing restaurant, catching a movie or heading to a game, reinforce the hobbies and interests that you've always shared!

8. Share A New Experience

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Of course, it's not always enough to retread old territory. If you're serious about moving forward, it's time to create new memories.

Go traveling together, or try an adventure at home that you've never made the time for before. It'll give you a brand-new set of experiences that are special to just the two of you!

9. Give Yourself Space

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

Always remember, no matter how much you want to make your marriage work, any relationship starts with self-care.

A healthy marriage doesn't mean you have to spend all your time together; get out and hit the town with your girlfriends every now and then!

A solid relationship is one where both parties have plenty of breathing room.

10. Forgive And Remember

Maya Borenstein for LittleThings

One of the most powerful and selfless things that anyone can do is accept an apology.

Of course, that doesn't mean you have to forgive and forget. Remembering what led you to a low point in your marriage is key to avoiding a repeat down the road.

Forgiveness shouldn't erase unpleasant chapters in your past, it should help you and your partner get started on the next page.

Could you marriage benefit from these loving tips?

Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to SHARE on Facebook with all of your married friends!