Being a transgender teen is not easy. Young trans people are often misunderstood or outright bullied by their peers, and even their own families. And in a world where 75% of trans youth feel unsafe at school and thousands of trans youth are living on the streets, every ounce of support and solidarity matters. Sometimes, that support can be as simple as waving a flag.
Reddit user HappyNazgul has a trans flag in their yard. Recently, HappyNazgul found a grateful note on the doorstep.
"Thank you for having a trans flag waving in your yard. I am a 15 year old trans boy living in an unsupportive household, but every time I see your flag, I feel better," the letter read. "I appreciate your existence and pride. THANK YOU."
HappyNazgul shared the letter on social media, where it quickly went viral. Some people felt inspired to hang their own pride flags in their yards — because you never know who needs to see it.

Reddit user HappyNazgul has the trans flag — featuring pink, blue, and white stripes — in their yard.
Recently, HappyNazgul received a touching letter from a neighbor, a 15-year-old trans boy "living in an unsupportive household."

Naturally, HappyNazgul had to share the letter, posting it on an LGBT forum on Reddit.

Because it brought tears to their eyes.

And they weren't the only one crying over this sweet letter. The image spread to Twitter, where it also went viral.

The letter now has 46,000 likes and counting. It's shedding light on the importance of visibility for trans youth.

Thanks to this inspirational story, Twitter user @CATSchas decided to move a previously unused flagpole so that it would be visible to passersby.

Because openly displaying pride flags is more meaningful than you might think.

And it's unfortunate that this type of solidarity is so rare.

Trans teens like the anonymous letter writer are at greater risk for depression and suicide — the chances of which are heightened by family rejection.

Ideally, trans teens should feel safe at home and at school. However, having any safe place to turn to can make a world of difference for these young people.

And any symbol of solidarity will stand out.

People are applauding the young boy's bravery in writing the note.

And most of all, they're wishing this teenager well.

Never underestimate the power of a seemingly simple gesture.
If you or someone you know is struggling or needs help, there are many resources for trans teens and their allies.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.