What These Twins Say To Their Dad Will Make Your Heart EXPLODE With Joy!!

We've heard many people say that coming out to their parents is one of the hardest things they've ever had to do in their entire lives. The mere thought that your parents might not respond with pure, unconditional love can be absolutely terrifying.

Such is the case for twin professional models and social media stars Aaron and Austin Rhodes (otherwise known on YouTube as The Rhodes Bros). To kick off the new year in the right way, they decided to come out as gay to their YouTube audience of over 56,000 subscribers (not to mention their enormous group of followers on Instagram). But before they could do that, they wanted to come out to the one family member that they had not yet broken the news to: their father.

In the video below, we see the brothers pick up their iPhone to call their dad and then begin to sweat and stall for several minutes after he answers. Clearly nervous, Aaron and Austin struggle to find the right words to let their father know what they've been hiding for so long.

Finally, the brothers just go ahead and tell him in the most straightforward way possible, and his reaction? Pure, unconditional love. While Dad talks about how they grew up in a different generation than he had, he is very clearly unshaken by the news and assures Aaron and Austin that their coming out changes absolutely nothing about his love for them.

"You know I love you both," he says over the phone. "That'll never change."

Dad goes on to remind the twin brothers that he was once abandoned by his father and tells them that he's not planning on asking them why they are gay or asking them to change.

"You're living your lives," he says, "and that's all you can do in life. Is live it. I love you both."

It's a beautiful moment for The Rhodes Bros, but also for us as we get to witness a conversation take place that shows just how much love and understanding insists in the family.

Once they hang up with Dad, it's clear that Aaron and Austin are extremely relieved to finally get the news off their chest and they encourage their audience to go out and do something they're afraid to do as well.

"With 2015 now here, we think it is time to finally just be ourselves," The Rhodes Bros write on the YouTube video page. "We hope by our actions today you can finish watching this video feeling encouraged and inspired. Thank you for all the support. We love you."

Aww! We love you too, guys. Way to go!

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