Twins who were didn't meet until they were 10 years old on the set of Good Morning America in 2017 were recently reunited again. Audrey Doering and Gracie Rainsberry were separated as toddlers after they were adopted from China by two different families.
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the 18-year-old sisters came back to the Times Square studio to celebrate another milestone of theirs: both are graduating from their high schools as valedictorian.
In May 2024, Gracie traveled from Washington to Wisconsin to watch Audrey graduate. Audrey plans to do the same to see her sister graduate. "As Audrey mentioned, our situation is not ideal, it’s not like most twins," Gracie said on Good Morning America. "But I’m so glad that I was able to go down and be with Audrey on her special day. And then when I graduate, she’s going to be able to come to Washington."
Since being reunited in 2017, the twins have made it a point to see each other at least twice a year to spend their birthday together and go on international trips. "Obviously our situation is not like other twins … but we've just had so many amazing opportunities. We've been able to travel together and experience so many firsts, which has been special," Audrey said. "I think just the best part is spending time with each other … and just seeing how we’ve matured but how we’re still very similar."
More from LittleThings: Reunited Vietnamese Identical Twins Separated At Birth Confess They Were Not Fast Friends
Audrey will be heading to Vanderbilt University and Gracie is going to Eastern Oregon University. The two received full scholarships to their schools, but Sallie Mae, an education solutions company, also surprised each of them with $10,000 to put toward their college expenses and Expedia gifted them $5,000 each in One Key Cash so the twins can travel and visit each other.