Border Collie Is Balanced On Her Back Legs — But What She’s Sitting On? WOW!

I’ve seen dogs do some remarkable tricks before — and each time I’m left in awe by their abilities. They never cease to amaze me when they go far beyond the usual commands like “sit” and “roll over.”

There’s a pooch named Bamboo who can skateboard better than the average person (and loves every minute of it). And who could forget about Putin the beagle's efforts to become the world's best soccer goalie?

What these two dogs accomplish in the video below is also pretty impressive. A black and white border collie named Ace and a red and white one named Holly collaborate with their owner for an entertaining trick in the comfort of their own home.

As the owner lays flat on the floor, Ace sits on top of him. Seconds later, Holly jumps on the soles of her feet and the two of them manage to balance perfectly.

Pay attention to the black dog’s front paws at the :10 mark — it’s the perfect little addition to an already admirable and comical trick.

It’s certainly the first time I’ve seen dogs manage to do this and, of course, do it so well.

Can your pooches do any crazy tricks like this? Tell us about them in the comments!

Watch the trick below and please SHARE with all the dog owners you know — they might want to try this at home!

Source: Two dogs perform unbelievable balancing trick by Positivedogcare on Rumble