Man Is Shot And Killed By Ex-Wife’s Husband, Grand Jury Won’t Move Forward With Charges

A widow is devastated to learn a Texas grand jury has decided against moving forward with charges against the man who shot and killed her husband.

Jennifer Read was newly married to Chad Read. Chad was killed in a dispute between himself and his ex-wife's husband, William Kyle Carruth. On November 5, 2021, the men got into an argument when Chad arrived at Kyle's home looking for his and Anne-Marie Carruth's son. Jennifer watched as Kyle grabbed a shotgun, and she urged someone to call 911.

Footage of the dispute shows the men screaming at each other. Kyle goes into his home and gets his shotgun. They continue to get in each other's faces, yelling. Kyle first shoots at the ground as a warning, then ends up shooting Chad. Jennifer was taking video the whole time. That video was used by a grand jury to determine that Kyle was justified in shooting Chad for posing a threat to him and others on his property. Chad was unarmed.

Jennifer and Chad had gotten married just two months earlier.

"I am devastated. I feel like a shell of the person I once was," she told Inside Edition.

"I was in complete shock," Jennifer continued.

"I honestly thought it was like a BB gun, it was so quiet when he first shot it. I was thinking in my mind, 'Get up Chad.'"

Jennifer was engaged in a custody dispute with Anne-Marie over custody of her and Chad's three children. That case has also been dismissed.

"I didn't realize the justice system operated this way," she said.

"I'd like to say I forgive him but I’m still working on that. I just would hope that there would be some remorse, not only did I lose my husband, three children lost their father. I loved Chad with all my heart."