Umpire Rescues 7-Year-Old From Dust Devil During Game: ‘Never Seen Anything Like That’

An umpire made a heroic call during a youth baseball game. When a dust devil appeared out of thin air, catching a young boy in the middle of it, Aidan Wiles jumped into action. And it was all caught on camera.

In the video, Bauer Zoya, 7 years old, can be seen getting caught up in the storm. That's when Aidan rushes in, swoops him up, and carries him to a clear area.

"I've never seen anything like that my whole entire life, on or off the field," the teenage umpire told First Coast News. "I knew his little body couldn't handle it, so I just rushed in and got him."

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"I couldn't breathe that much," Bauer said, adding that next time he sees Aidan, he just wants to thank him. Even though dust devils are typically small, they still have the ability to cause a lot of damage. The young baseball player was lucky to have someone come to his rescue.