We've all been there before: there's nothing worse than having a clogged toilet that's threatening to ruin a perfectly good day. As you stare at the rising water, several worst-case scenarios flash before your eyes.
Best case scenario, you've already got your Home Depot "worst-case" supplies at the ready: a plunger to plunge and some Drano to drain! But what if you couldn't find them? Would your whole house overflow? Should you call the police?!? Will you have to move into one of those new TinyHouses everyone is talking about?
Well, leave it to South Korea to come up with a brilliant new solution to this age-old problem.
As wads of toilet paper and disgusting brown water fill up the toilet, this guy forgets about the trusty plunger and uses the "Pongtu" instead.
Pongtu is a piece of yellow plastic that stretches to fit over the top of the toilet seat, forming a seal over the opening. It's like a toilet plastic wrap. Then, you flush. Sounds crazy, right?!
The Pongtu swells up and it looks like the toilet might burst, sending a nasty, volcanic mess. But fear not! You push your hand down on top of the Pongtu, and just like that, the clog is cleared away.
Using science to create a vacuum works as an even more efficient plunger!
Would you ever use this thing? Let us know, and please SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook!