This Tough U.S. Marine Is VERY Nervous…But When You Find Out Why, Your Heart Will Swell!

Myles Heath might be a very brave and courageous U.S. Marine, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be a momma’s boy, too!

After being away from home for quite some time, Myles decided that he wanted to do something extra special for his mom’s birthday, similar to what another Marine did when he surprised his father on his birthday by unexpectedly showing up to church. Myles let her know that she should be expecting a package to be delivered around the week of her birthday, but what he really had planned was something a whole lot better.

As he walks toward a building, it becomes obvious that Myles is a little nervous over what he is about to do. With the help of some awesome restaurant workers and a few of his family members who were in on the surprise, Myles shows up to a birthday dinner hosted for his mom and completely blows his mom away with her surprise gift… a visit from her loving son!

What makes this video even better is seeing the excitement in Myles’ face as he gets ready to walk over to his mom, gorgeous flowers in hand. An emotion that can only be matched by her excited and emotional greeting she gives Myles when she realizes he is standing right behind her.

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