Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and everyone has hearts and flowers on the mind! Us? We're thinking about popcorn.
We're sure plenty of folks out there are preparing for an elaborate evening of romance, complete with two dozen red roses.
But us? We prefer valentines that are as simple as they are sweet. After all, it's a day about showing your love for everyone in your life. This dad who brought his daughter out for the holiday a couple years back knows what true love really is!
That's why we love a valentine that comes from the heart, doesn't cost a million bucks, and can show your love to anyone. After all, Valentine's Day is about platonic love too!
We put together an awesome recipe for Valentine's Day popcorn, the perfect gift for everyone this holiday! And if we have any secret admirers out there, consider this a hint: we like our declarations of love in snack form!
Valentine's Popcorn, Step #1

Assemble all of the ingredients you're going to need for this recipe!
To make 2 or 3 valentines, you'll need:
- 1 packet microwave popcorn
- About 1/2 cup white chocolate melts
- Heart-shaped sprinkles
- Conversation hearts
- 1 tsp. of salt
To make a larger batch, double the recipe as needed.
Valentine's Popcorn, Step #2

First, prepare your popcorn according to the directions on the packet.
For most microwaves, that means microwaving about 3 to 4 minutes, and pulling out the popcorn once you notice the popping sounds starting to slow.
If you leave the popcorn in too long, it might get burnt, so err on the side of caution!
Valentine's Popcorn, Step #3

Next, you'll need to melt your chocolate down until it's liquid and soft.
Place your candy melts in a microwave-safe bowl, and heat in 10 second bursts.
Every time the 10 seconds is up, stir gently to help the melts soften.
Valentine's Popcorn, Step #4

Combine melted chocolate and melted candy in a single bowl, and toss together until popcorn is coated.
It may be easier to dump the popcorn into a bowl first and then pour in the melted chocolate on top.
If you add the popcorn on top of the chocolate, it gets a little bit crushed up in the tossing process.
Valentine's Popcorn, Step #5

Once the popcorn is coated in chocolate, and there's no more excess melted chocolate, you can go ahead and smooth your popcorn into a dish.
Some people use a baking sheet, but you can use any shallow heat-proof dish.
Fold the popcorn in with a spatula and make sure to smooth it evenly into all four corners.
Valentine's Popcorn, Step #6

While the chocolate is still warm, scatter heart-shaped sprinkles over the top.
If the chocolate is still warm enough, these should start to melt slightly into the candy coating.
You can also sprinkle a teaspoon of salt across the top to play up the salty-sweet flavor!
Valentine's Popcorn, Step #7

Next, scatter in your conversation hearts across the top of the popcorn.
These may melt a little bit too, but ideally you want them to stay firm so that folks can read the adorable messages printed on them!
While the chocolate is still soft, toss them in so they're evenly distributed.
Valentine's Popcorn, Step #8

Once the melted candy is hardened, your popcorn is read to serve!
You can put it out in a pretty bowl for your Valentine's Day party with the girls. Or package it up into individual bags and hand out to all your friends and coworkers as a valentine!
If you love this adorable (and tasty!) craft as much as we do, be sure to SHARE with everyone you love!