There is no doubt that the classic Vertigo is one of the most amazing and groundbreaking films of all time, but that doesn't mean that it's perfect.
Well, yes, you can argue that the story, the acting by James Stewart and Kim Novak, and the directing by Hitchcock were exactly what they needed to be. Still, there isn't a movie out there that didn't get something wrong in the filming process.
Props magically move from shot to shot while clothing and hair are rearranged between different angles as well. Interior and exterior shots vary due to being filmed in entirely different places, and sometimes a shadow from a piece of equipment makes it into the finished product, only to be caught by someone watching the film with a fresh eye years later.
These little errors don't take away from the integrity of the film, but they sure do make it interesting to watch when you're looking closely enough! There are secrets to be unearthed in all of our favorite movies.
Had you noticed any of these 11 things before about this classic film? What others have you noticed through the years of rewatching Vertigo over and over again?
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Thumbnail source: Wikimedia Commons

Madeline (played by Kim Novak) loses a shoe when Scottie (played by James Stewart) takes her out of the water. In the next shot, she's miraculously got both shoes on again.

The art in the museum is arranged differently between shots while Scottie is spying on Madeline.

San Francisco "detectives" are not called "detectives." Rather, they are referred to by their rank as an officer, or as an inspector. Regardless, Scottie is referred to as a "retired detective" throughout the film.

The first time Madeline and Scottie have a scene in his apartment together, he hands her an empty coffee cup. The high camera angle reveals the coffee-less receptacle for the movie prop that it is.

When Scottie is hanging from the edge of the tower, you can see the shadow from the camera on the wall for a quick blip.

Depending on the shot, the TV in Scottie's apartment is facing in entirely different directions — sometimes towards his bedroom, and sometimes towards his couch.

When Scottie is watching Madeline outside of the coffee shop, you can see the same exact sailor walking from right to left two times within a 10-second span.

While Scottie and Gavin Elster (played by Tom Helmore) are meeting, the ice in their drinks disappears much quicker in the scene than it would in real life, revealing how long it took to shoot multiple takes of the scene.

Gavin Elster says that Carlotta Valdes was 26 years old when she killed herself. However, her headstone only puts her at 25, from December 3, 1831 to March 5, 1857.

Whenever anyone drives to the old mission, the wide shots from outside of the car show them driving on the right side of the road. Yet, any shot from inside of the car will show them driving on the left side of the road.

When Midge catches Scottie from the stool, it looks like he came from about a half foot above the ground, when the stool was a good three feet from the ground. Surely this was for the safety of the actors, but some keen movie watcher's eye caught it somewhere down the line.
Had you spotted any of the goof-ups in this classic movie before? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook to see who has the keenest eye.