9 Tips For Hosting A Virtual Hygge Holiday Party

2020 has been super nuts, and we know the holidays have already been quite different from normal. We don't want to encourage anyone to have unsafe in-person gatherings, so instead we encourage you to host a virtual hygge holiday party!

Hygge is a Danish word for a specific kind of simple, cozy togetherness. It encourages the kind of warmth we often associate with the holiday season, and we are all about it!

Encourage guests to gather their coziest things.


Hygge is all about being cozy. Step one is making sure everyone's at their coziest physically. Encourage guests to dress comfy, gather blankets and pillows, and nestle themselves in the comfiest nook of their home.

Prepare your virtual environment.


Getting into the hygge holiday spirit usually means unplugging, but if you're looking to do it for a virtual celebration, find a way to minimize. Put your phone away while you chat on a computer or tablet. Set up your background or any filters ahead of time so you aren't fussing with settings during your chill get-together.

Pick a signature drink.


Warm drinks on a cold day are total hygge heaven. Pick an easy-to-make drink as your signature drink and encourage all your guests to make one during the call. You can send the recipe ahead of time so everyone's got their ingredients on deck. Make sure you pick something that can be enjoyed with or without booze to respect the wishes (and ages) of all your guests.

Suggest some snacks.

Andrei Lavrinov/iStock

A nice, full belly is another surefire way to get that cozy feeling. While every guest will have their own culinary preferences, you can always make some snack suggestions. Cinnamon rolls, hearty soups, and dumplings are all easy, accessible ideas that can be made from scratch by adventurous cooks, or warmed up from a frozen variety for beginners.

Send everyone a little treat.


If you have the time to plan ahead, sending out a little gift that everyone can enjoy during the party is a nice gesture that can go a ways to uniting all your guests. Keep your gift ideas hygge with small gestures like slippers, a candle, or a succulent. Don't go too crazy. It's all about simple comfort.

Pick an activity to do together.


Which activity you choose will depend on the group of people you're getting together. You want to take personalities and skill levels into consideration when making your choice. You can choose an easy craft, a virtual game, or any other creative ideas.

Play some music.


A playlist is another great way to bring the vibe to a personal gathering. You can play it yourself to control the volume, then share the playlist with friends after. Spotify even has a hygge playlist if you want an authentic experience.

Indulge in something chocolaty.


Now, I know we already covered snacks, but there's something about chocolaty sweets in particular that make them a staple of all things hygge. Encourage your guests to each bring a different chocolaty treat. Comparing will awaken your sweet tooth and give you some inspiration for the rest of the holiday season.

Make time for yourself after your celebration is through.


Getting together can be great, but when it's all through, make sure you have a little you time. Going from a hygge celebration back to the hustle and bustle of your day (or night, no judgment here) can be a little much. Savor a few comfy moments for yourself before you move on.