Anxious Mom Waits In McDonald’s For Ex To Bring Son, Then A Stranger Steps In

Every mom I know would do anything for her child, even if she doesn't feel so kindly towards his father.

That was certainly the case for one mom who spent more than an hour waiting at McDonald's for her ex to finally drop off their son.

To an observer in the corner of the restaurant, it was clear that the struggling single mom didn't have a great relationship with her ex.

Some parents have a great relationship after they split, but in this case, it seems likely that she was just trying to give her son a chance to spend time with her dad.

Parenting is the toughest job in the world, and it's even harder when you're doing it alone.

So when a kind bystander quietly sipping a soda on the other side of the restaurant observed Dad being less than gracious after leaving the mother of his child waiting at McDonald's, the stranger decided to step in and give Mom the help she needed.

Scroll through below to read the heartwarming story.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Facebook / Love What Matters

The touching story was shared to the Love What Matters Facebook page. 

The sweet words, shared anonymously, quickly took off on the Internet, where it racked up tons and tons of positive affirmations and comments.

Nearly 15,000 people shared the story, and thousands more responded thanking the woman for her kindness.

Flickr / Wesley Fryer

I sit here at McDonald’s, drinking a Sprite.

Okay, it's my third Sprite.

And the lady in the corner…waits.

She's been here since before I got here.

In walks a man with a small boy, maybe 3 years old if that.

'You were supposed to be here an hour ago.' she says, slightly upset.

'Well, I'm here and here he is.' 

Flickr / David Schott

The man turns to walk out the door.

She says, 'Hey do you have a couple dollars so I can get a cheeseburger? All I have is enough for his Happy Meal.'

He looks around to see if anyone is watching.

'Screw you, starve,' he says and walks out the door.

She just shakes her head and walks to the counter with the boy.

She orders a Happy Meal for the boy. 

Flickr / Calgary Reviews

The teen at the counter tells her her card left a balance of 37 cents.

She and the boy walk to her car where she digs and finds the change.

She and the boy sit down with the Happy Meal, and she sets up his food and his tiny drink cup.

She asks him if mommy can have a fry, to which he feeds her the one he just took a bite off of. (I kinda chuckled to myself.) 

Public Domain Pictures

I walk to the soda machine and refill my cup, Powerade this time. And the teen from the counter is refiling the napkins. 

I hand him my debit card. And tell him to give her 2 doubles and a large fry and a large drink on me.

I tell him not to tell her it's from me. I wrote a note on a napkin with my sharpie I use at work.

'Keep your head up and always push forward. You CAN. You WILL.' 

McDonald's Burger Sate Indonesia 1
Wikimedia Commons

He brings me my debit card. Then walks back to the counter and takes the tray of food to her.

He says 'This was bought for you.'

'By who?'

'I'm not supposed to say, but it wasn't me.'

He says and walks back to the counter.

She reads the note on the napkin as tears start to roll down her cheeks.

She fills the drink cup and starts to eat.

The child trades her a chicken nugget, for a bite of the burger. (I chuckle again.)

Flickr / David Schott

After they both finish their meal, they start to leave.

They walk passed me sitting here and I smile at the boy and look at her and she whispers 'thank you.'

I whisper back 'for what?'

She smiles. I wink. I look down at the boy and I say have a good day .

Life is hard.

Always be willing to make someones life a little easier.

Little things make a big impact.

For any single parent stuck in a similar place… Keep your head up and always push forward.

You CAN.


If this story brought tears to your eyes, be sure to SHARE for every kind soul you know who would have done the exact same thing!