20 Odd Animals You’ve Definitely Never Seen Before


The animal kingdom's diversity truly never ceases to amaze.

All over the globe, countless species of creatures exist, each with their own uniquely designed features, meant to give them all interesting, individualized advantages within the circle of life.

Some have see-through bodies and others excrete lifesaving ingredients. Some can soar through the air on a whim, while others seek out their next meals with tentacled noses.

While previously, one would have to tour the globe to catch mere glimpses of these fantastical creatures, now, we have the internet. With one click, we can all gain access to a glorious database of fantastical imagery, capturing some of these most remarkable species within their natural habitats.

Here's a list of 20 different incredible animals you've got to see to believe, they are that fascinating!

[H/T: Animalmozo]

1. Emperor Tamarin

Flickr / globetrotter_rodrigo

This quirky little monkey was apparently given its name after folks noticed a resemblance between its signature mustache and that of German emperor Wilhelm II. 

2. Star-Nosed Mole

Flickr / kinskarije

These adorable star-nosed moles use their numerous snout tentacles to search for food.

3. Proboscis Monkey

Flickr / chem7

While scientists haven't necessarily been able to target exactly why these monkeys have such big noses, they have noticed that when females of the species seek out their mates, they tend to gravitate toward the longer-snouted specimens.

4. Surinam Toad

Flickr / Thomas Stromberg

These frogs' flat shapes help them blend in with their leafy surroundings and avoid predators' gazes.

5. Enypniastes

Flickr / Mark Yokoyama

Enypniastes live deep down in the ocean. They have transparent bodies, granting bystanders front-row seats to watch their digestive processes in motion.

6. Angora Rabbit

Flickr / James Joel

Angora rabbits' coats are often harvested for commercial purposes.

7. Markhor

Flickr / Cloudtail the Snow Leopard

Locals harvest the foam by-product that these Middle Eastern beauties create whilst chewing their cud, and repurpose it into anti-venomous remedies.

8. Hagfish

Flickr / kinskarije

Try your best not to surprise a hagfish. When startled, these interesting specimens tend to excrete mucus.

9. Red Panda

Flickr / Marie Hale

Some folks mistake these cuties for raccoons, but they are indeed pandas. Red pandas typically live in the Himalayas, happily munching their days away on their favorite food, bamboo.

10. Leafy Sea Dragon

Flickr / Bill Abbott

These adorable seahorse relatives reproduce similarly to their cousins. Males carry the growing babies rather than females.

11. Komondor Dog

Flickr / Petful

Some know this mop-looking mutt as the Hungarian sheep dog.

12. Flying Squirrel

Flickr / vil.sandi

Flying squirrels glide from tree to tree using a membrane connecting their wrists and ankles.

13. Blue-Tailed Skink

Flickr / Vicki DeLoach

These blue-tailed critters can be found in areas all over the eastern and midwestern USA.

14. Chinese Water Deer

Flickr / Don Sutherland

This cute deer's vampire-esque fangs help it defend itself against rivals and predators.

15. Ankole Longhorn

Flickr / Adam Cohn

Ankole longhorns' antlers can grow to around eight feet long and easily exceed 100 pounds. Imagine carrying that kind of weight around on a daily basis!

16. Pink Fairy Armadillo

Flickr / Cliff

Nocturnal pink armadillos scurry across sand as if they were swimming.

17. Capybara

Flickr / Bryn Davies

Capybaras are the largest known rodents on Earth.

18. Dumbo Octopus

Flickr / NOAA Photo Library

These deep swimming octopi have large fins along their sides that resemble the well-known Disney character's legendary ears.

19. Saiga Antelope

Flickr / U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters

These antelopes' strange-looking noses certainly set them apart from the rest of their antelope brethren.

20. Eastern Long-Necked Turtle

Flickr / Ms_Voren

Many of these adorable little turtles can stretch their necks out as long as their own shells.