There is something absolutely amazing about viewing animals in the wild.
Whether we're observing birds in trees, fish in a pond, or deer in the woods, viewing these beautiful wild creatures in their natural habitats gives us a special glimpse into their worlds. But there are some animal habitats that we don't get to see entirely, and those are the ones that I like the best.
So many different creatures make their homes in holes. And only they get to see what life is like on the inside. I love trying to guess what animal lives in which hole, so when I saw these fun photos of animal holes, I wanted to know more.
And while the holes are all very different, I couldn't always guess which wild animal made its home there. In fact, just like guessing which animal was in each of these womb photos, about half of these animal holes had me completely stumped!
Can you guess which animal lives in each hole? Scroll through below to see how well you do.
Can you guess which animal lives in this hole?

This one shouldn't be too hard...

How about this one?

You may have seen this one before...

Can you guess who built this hole?

Do you know which incredible creature made this hole?
Go to the NEXT page to find out and to see even more amazing holes made by wild animals!

Which creature crawls into this one?

The water might give this one away...

This might be the hardest one yet...

You probably don't want to stumble upon this hole...

Who made this hole?

Do you know which adorable creature made this hole?
Go to the NEXT page to find out and to see even more amazing holes made by wild animals!

Can you guess this one?

Which animal lives in here?

These beautiful wild creatures had me stumped on many of these!
How many were you able to guess? Let us know in the comments.
Please SHARE with friends and family who love wild animals as much as we do.