Beloved Husband Dies Suddenly, Then Wife Decides To Lose 130 Pounds In 11 Months

Tina Tait grew up with an obese father who passed away because of his weight and unhealthy lifestyle.

Then Tait lost her husband to a sudden heart attack.

With two devastating losses under her belt, she decided to change her life.

She couldn't stand to see herself end up with the same fate as her father, and she knew she had to make her husband proud.

So she decided to lose weight and get healthy. Her fitness inspiration is someone most of us are familiar with: Al Roker.

After his inspiring weight loss was televised, the fire underneath Tait really grew, and she made it her goal to run the New York City Marathon just as he did.

And all her heartbreak only pushed her further. She accomplished that goal, lost 130 pounds in 11 months, and continued a healthy lifestyle with her lost loved ones in mind.

After this year's NYC Marathon, which she completed, she got to meet her inspiration. He had some touching words to give right back to her.

Tait is clearly making her men in heaven proud! She's become an inspiration to everyone and anyone in need of some motivation!

Please SHARE this amazing woman's success story with all your loved ones to help support her through her loss!