Widow Pays It Forward After Losing Husband And Son To Distracted Driving

Last year,  just before Christmas, on December 23, 2014, Laura Schumpert's son LJ and husband Jarred were killed by a distracted driver in Texas. One year later, the widow is doing everything she can to honor the lives of her husband and child by paying it forward. Laura's story is reminiscent of widower Don Jaquish and the miles of sunflowers he planted for his late wife, Babbette

"I just don't think people understand how quickly something like that can happen to you," Laura told KFVS's Sherae Honeycutt. Laura saw two little girls sitting in their daddy's truck without any car seats. One of Laura's last memories with LJ was buckling him up before she lost him. She knew she had to do anything to protect the little ones, the way she once did for her own.

"I couldn’t in good conscience leave without knowing that you would at least be prepared if something like that could happen to you," she told the father. She bought the family two car seats, and felt better knowing that they were a little bit safer. The mom also collects toys for children, and as a photographer, she did a photo shoot for children with disabilities in LJ's name.

"Their life was not tragic. It was not sad. It was a great beautiful life, and they were beautiful people. I wanted to do things for people in their name so that it could maybe offset the horrendousness of what happened," Laura said.

Please SHARE Laura's story to wish her the best of luck and give her some recognition for turning a tragedy into kindness!