A couple was enjoying their life together when an accident changed everything.
Larry explains to Dr. Phil that he came home one day to find his wife, Carly, foaming from the mouth and practically lifeless after being accidentally electrocuted in the garage of their home. Larry gave his wife CPR and ultimately saved her life while waiting for medical professionals to arrive. Now that she's recovered, however, Larry and other people in Carly's life say she is not the same person anymore.
Carly's mom and sister attest to Larry's description of his wife as a happy, bubbly woman who has experienced a complete shift in both personality and cognitive function.
"I just truly feel that she's changed completely to a very insecure, jealous, lost person," Larry explained.
"We'll be discussing something really serious, all of a sudden, she'll just break out laughing. It's almost kind of evil."
Larry says their relationship is struggling as a result of the changes in Carly. She no longer trusts him and even gets irritable with him for "ignoring her" when they are spending time with his kids. She put tracking apps on his phone and insists he is hiding something when he is not.
Larry has also noticed that Carly's speech is slower. She is unable to recognize some of the people she used to work with. However, Larry's kids are concerned that Carly isn't being truthful about her symptoms and is making life harder on their dad.
"I feel like there's an empty spot back here. I don't know if it's because I was hitting my head on the concrete. I just feel like I'm not myself anymore," Carly said of her situation.
"My biggest fear is that my brain stops working, and my husband gives up on me."