Woman Orders Matching Wedding Gowns For Herself And Her Fiancée, Almost Ends Relationship

How mad would you be if someone else decided that they were going to buy your wedding dress, even after you expressed to them that you weren't fond of the one they had in mind? Most people would be furious, right? Weddings are a big day, and often a once-in-a-lifetime ordeal. So it should be special for the couple tying the knot.

Well one woman's fiancée decided that she wanted them to wear matching dresses, and ordered the same dress even after the woman expressed it wasn't her style. She took to Reddit to figure out if she was in the wrong for getting upset.

The woman gave some background information.

The woman is 25 years old and her fiancée is 26. They got engaged in May, and things were going well … until they weren't. "All the wedding planning had been going smoothly until last week, when my [fiancée] tells me she wants to wear matching wedding dresses. She already has hers chosen, while I'm still looking. I've seen her wedding dress and I think it's very beautiful, it just isn't my style."

She tells her fiancée she doesn't want to match.

The woman ends up telling her fiancée that she isn't sure she wants to wear matching dresses. "She looked upset and asked why I didn't wanna match with her. I told her I loved her dress it just wasn't my style. Her dress was poofy and big, while I preferred more simple and straight dresses. She just said okay and walked off."

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She went to dress shop a few days later and was in for a surprise.

So a few days after the conversation, the Redditor went to the shop where they were getting their dresses to look around some more. "When I walked in the owner of the shop looks confused. She asks 'Well what are you doing here?'" The woman lets her know that she's looking around, and the owner, to her surprise, says her fiancée has already ordered her dress.

Turns out, the fiancée ordered the exact same dress that she didn't want.

"I ask which dress and she shows me the exact same dress my wife has, and unfortunately, there are no refunds. I apologize to the owner for the inconvenience and go home, waiting for my [fiancée] to get back from work. She gets home after a while and I ask her why did she order that dress without my permission, she acts like she doesn't know what i'm talking about, until I show her the order."

The fiancée tried to defend her position.

The woman's fiancée begins to cry after basically being caught red-handed in a lie. She says that she just wanted them to match and thought that her bride-to-be would eventually change her mind about the dress. "I told her that even if she was 100% sure I was gonna change my mind she shouldn't of ordered the dress without asking me first."

They had a big argument.

"She cries even more, accuses me of not loving her, and calls me selfish and I call her pushy and bratty. She then gets up, calls me an a–hole, and begins packing her stuff. I ask where she's going and she tells me she's going to stay at her moms for a few days."

The OP tells her fiancée she was in the wrong.

"I tell her she's being dramatic and she's in the wrong for ordering the dress without my permission first. It's been 3 days Still at her mom's. I've sent her many texts and voicemails, and called her. She hasn't responded. I texted her mom and she told me I was an a–hole for yelling at her."

The OP starts to feel bad.

With her fiancée not responding to her, the Reddit user begins to question if she was wrong for reacting how she did. "I am not interested in leaving her. I love her more than anyone and I am not willing to throw away a 9 year relationship over a dress. Your thoughts? AITA?"

Users weighed in on the matter, and most thought the woman wasn't in the wrong.

"NTA," one person wrote. "This isn't about the dress. This is about her disregarding your feelings and opinions. This is about her manipulating you to get her way. This is about her not wanting to discuss things like an adult but running away to her mum's place when you've had a fight."

Another user weighed in: "NTA and thankfully, this is BEFORE getting married. She disregarded your choice. She decided for you. Then tried gaslighting you for your reaction to HER wrongdoing. ."

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.