Korisa Miller went fishing with a friend in Michigan, never expecting the casual day trip to end in a lifesaving rescue — and the humiliating experience that ensued.
While fishing off the dock, Korisa stumbled and tumbled over, falling onto the slippery ice.
The ice quickly shattered under her feet, which sent a terrified Korisa plummeting into the icy cold Michigan lake. She was up to her chin in the 36-degree water, struggling to stay at the surface.
It didn't take long for her to lose all the feeling in her legs; she desperately needed help before she sank into the frigid lake.
"Help me. I'm numb. I'm completely numb." she begged. "I'm stuck."
Thankfully, some fishermen saw what was happening and grabbed onto Korisa's hands until police officers arrived.
It took 15 painstaking minutes for them to pull Korisa from the freezing water and back onto the dock.
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Proud of their rescue work and hoping to share it with their community, the sheriff's office posted the bodycam footage to Facebook.
The clip went viral — but not necessarily because of the harrowing and successful rescue. Instead, Korisa found herself at the center of a body-shaming controversy.