Girl Learns Half-Sister Is Really Her Mom & After 30 Years A 1-Night Stand Unravels

Growing up, Jyll Justamond had no idea that her family was not actually her biological family.

At the age of 10, Jyll learned her parents were actually her grandparents, and her half-sister was her biological mother!

"My biological mother was 18 when she had me and for whatever the reason, felt that she wasn't capable or old enough to raise me," Jyll told ABC News. "She asked her stepfather and mother to raise me, and I didn't know I wasn't their child."

For decades, Jyll felt a void. Making things even more confusing was the fact she could not track down her biological father. His identity was a complete mystery.

Since she was the product of a one-night stand so many years ago, Jyll's mom Linda was only able gave her a few bits of information about the birth dad. His name is Al and he was a bartender at a place called Neary's, where Linda would frequent.

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Jyll spent years trying to figure out her dad's identity. One day, she turned to Facebook and found a nostalgia page for Palisades Park — the place where Jyll grew up, and the town where Neary's was located.

She contacted the owner of the bar, and he quickly responded. But nothing prepared Jyll for what was about to happen next.

Watch the video to see how the mystery unraveled, and please SHARE this incredible reunion with your friends on Facebook!