Scour the internet for anything cat related and you will most likely be bombarded with videos, memes, and websites devoted to the jerkiness of cats. For decades non-cat owners declared cats synonymous with rude, jerks, and evil.
However, for those who say that cats are nothing but egotistical animals who seldom show any sort of love or emotion towards their owners, man do I have a video for you! I just found the sweetest and most polite kitty anyone has ever seen! This little sweetheart is guaranteed to turn any cat hater into a full fledge lover!
Instead of demanding to be pet like some dogs, this little furry angel asks in the most polite way! Just listen as this babe let's out a breathless meow followed by a gentle caress of the hand. She's so sweet and so delicate she will instantly turn your heart into the mush.
Enjoy and please SHARE.