These 30 Dogs Have Faces Only A Mother Could Love … But We Love Them Anyway

Do you have a dog that's ridiculously cute? Or a puppy that's beyond boop-worthy? Honestly, it's almost impossible to choose which breeds are the sweetest when there are corgis, Yorkshire terriers, and Pomeranians around. Of course, you might also get excited when you're on social media and come across viral glimpses of handsome huskies, regal retrievers, and delightful Dalmatians.

Granted, not all dogs are cute in the same way. Some are fluffy while others are tiny, and then there are those that are, er, not exactly what you expect when you think about the kind of pup that earns its own Instagram account. What do we mean by that? Well, there are dogs that might be described as … weird-looking. Perhaps they have a wonky tongue or mismatched features. They might have silly hair or an even sillier expression. Frankly, there are some canine companions that are so strange, that they're simply wonderful!

If you love the kind of fantastically unexpected pups that are sure to put a smile on your face, then be sure to check out these 30 dogs that are so ugly, that they're actually adorable!

Chorkie in the sunset.

Unfortunately, even a beautiful sunset by the beach won’t make this dog any less ugly. But why can’t we look away? First of all, this pup is a mix of a Chihuahua and a Yorkie, which gives it the adorable moniker “Chorkie.” Secondly, look at that sweet face and ratty fur blowing in the breeze! This dog may not be conventionally cute, but it definitely caught our eye.

Smile for the camera.

This ball of fluff is trying its best to flash a big smile at the camera, but instead, the look comes off as hilariously creepy. With floppy lips over teeth that are jutting out like it’s ready to take a bite out of you, we’re not sure whether to run in fear or to give that silly face a little smoosh!

Snack time.

At first glance, this scruffy dog may not be the kind of companion that you want to join you for lunch. But once you see past the messy fur and sad face to those beautiful little eyes, you might just find yourself offering this cutie seconds.

Are you looking at me?

There is a lot to unpack when you look at this unflattering photo of a boxer that has the weathered face of its namesake. From the pinned-back ears to its unimpressed eyes, flecks of goober on its face, and the pirate-esque snarl, this dog isn’t exactly showing us its best side. Or is it?!

Furry ferocity.

Just one look at the fierce face of this Pekingese pup may be enough to send you running for the hills. According to the American Kennel Club, Pekingese can be great guard dogs, and judging by this little one’s little fangs and uninviting exterior, we know we wouldn’t mess with it.

Deep sleeper.

Either this boxer is having the most relaxed sleep of their life or it’s possessed by an evil spirit! With lips that look like they're melting into the floor and eyes that are rolled back into their head, you can’t help but giggle at the ridiculousness of this sleepy pup.

A face only a mother could love.

Missing teeth? Yep! Lolling tongue? Yep! Out-of-control facial hair? You better believe it! This dog may not win any beauty pageants, but it sure does look loved. Just seeing that wonderfully big smile on this little pup makes it easier to ignore everything else.

Sitting pretty … sort of.

The picture of this dog might remind you of those creepy portraits in old houses that have eyes that follow you around the room. Putting aside the snaggletooth and the fact that it looks like a gentle breeze could blow it head over heels, what is with those eyes?!

Some serious side-eye.

Does the look on this little white Shih Tzu scream “trust issues” or is it just super suspicious all the time? Either way, this dog might have a dark past (or be wondering if you do), but we still think it's cute.

Not ready for their close-up.

Nothing can prepare you for this close-up photo of a dog caught snoozing. To be fair, it’s not the best angle unless the objective was to look directly into this dog’s snoot and really zoom in on its overbite — if so, then bravo! This little cutie gets a pass because, let's be honest, does anybody look amazing while they’re asleep?

Wait, what kind of dog is this?

We’re not really sure what’s going on in this photo — all we can say it that it looks like someone cross-bred a Chihuahua with a wolf. The result is a pocket-sized dog that looks eerily like a failed Photoshop experiment. However, how sweet would it be to see a whole pack of these Chi-wolves running in the wild?

That face, though!

In this image, we get up close and personal with a little Chihuahuas in all of its bulgy-eyed, tongue-flopping glory. You can’t help but laugh at its expression even while appreciating how cute it is!

Polar opposites.

Check out this pair of greyhounds who seem to be having very different reactions to their fancy new coats. One is calm and collected while looking sharp in blue duds. However, the pup in red looks like it's having a meltdown! This dog is obviously not a fan of its new threads and shows it all over its wonky snarling face.

The definition of 'cugly.'

Many bulldogs fall into that special category of “cugly” where there are so ugly that they’re cute. This one in particular pup has a wrinkly face and eyes that appear to be attempting to look in six directions at once. But just try and stop us from affectionately running up to offer it cuddles!

Free and easy.

This pic of a Chihuahua with its knees in the breeze is borderline NSFW due to the fact that its nether regions are pointing to the sky, giving you an eyeful of what his mama gave him. But you have to give it to this little guy as he looks like he’s having the time of his life!

Not that kind of thirst trap.

If you've ever seen a dog drink, then you'll know that it's not exactly the most graceful thing in the world. It comes with a lot of slurping, slobbering, and sloshing that can be quite hard to watch. That's why you may or may not (but definitely may because lol) check out this pic of two boxers doing their darndest to lap up some water from a garden hose. What a silly moment that we’re not sure needed to be captured forever … but we're sure glad that it was!

Bath time.

Is there anything more pathetic (and yet adorable) than a soaking wet dog? In this glimpse at a pooch's bath time, that's exactly what we get. The video is complete with a soggy face, droopy fur, and a look that shouts, “Take me out of here!” We feel for you, little buddy. Someone grab that shaky pup a towel!

Road trip.

This tiny dog appears to be ready to head out on a nice car ride. All propped up in the back seat and sporting its Sunday (dinosaur?) driving outfit would normally be a cute memory to capture … but what's with that tongue? If it were any longer, we would worry that the little one would trip on it.

A true original.

By now, we’ve seen plenty of dogs with wild eyes, flopping ears, and tongues that just can’t seem to stay in their mouths, but this one might outdo all of the others! The ear on this wonder pooch is popping up like it’s trying to be the first picked for a game of dodgeball. And we’re not even sure if that tongue is attached to anything due to the way it’s dangling so far out the side. This dog surely takes first prize for, er, originality.

What are you looking at?

The look on this dog’s face is absolutely priceless. The ol' shifty eye and a threatening scowl that this pup is showing off are reminiscent of an elderly man on his porch getting ready to scold you for stepping on his crabgrass. This face is undoubtedly better appreciated from a great distance.

The face is strong with this one.

If you ever wanted to know what a Yoda-Chihuahua mix would look like, here you go! Look at that adorably wrinkly forehead, complete with receding hairline, and ears that go on for days. This little one is so un-pretty, but at the same time, we would stop at nothing to protect it. Nothing!

The aging rock star.

Proving that glam rock will never die (even though maybe it should?) we present you with this little legend. A dog that has the look of someone who has jammed 40 years of partying into one night and a signature rock star-attitude tongue along with a platinum blond wig. We can’t help but stay for an encore. Turn it up to 11!

Maybe he’s cuter once you get to know him.

Even when bulldogs are trying to look cute, they always seem to hilariously miss the mark. Take this one, for example, which looks like it’s just trying to make friends. However, your first reaction to seeing that toothy menacing grin might be to run for cover. Maybe this pup just needs to work on its first impression?

Bad hair day.

We’ve all had those days when no matter what you do with your hair, it just won’t cooperate. Well, this dog has the appearance of someone who deals with hair issues. Every. Single. Day. But maybe this little one is onto something and the frizzy hair on top with shaved sides might be the new summer trend. A look ahead of its time, perhaps?

The Hunchback of Notre Dog.

What exactly is going on in this photo? This quirky little pug is acting like a human who was just told that the buffet ended 10 minutes ago. It’s hard not to feel for this little fella who looks so life-worn that you just want to pick them up and comfort them.

The many faces of ferocity.

In this picture, we are treated to a triptych of arguably unpleasant expressions. We’re not sure if this dog is begging for a treat or acting sweet, but either way that toothy snarl is really something, um, special. Oh, OK! Maybe one little treat.

Fur with body and bounce.

Can you believe the hair on this Pekinese pup?! You'd be forgiven for looking completely past the sluggish tongue that’s jutting out of the side of its mouth because it's lost in a sea of frizz. But honestly, how many of us are just a little bit jealous of that volume?

Next-level smile.

The body of this particular dog looks as though two different animals have been stuck together. With some distinctive spots on the front and wiry fur on the back end, it’s hard to nail down exactly what kind of breed this pooch is. But what warms our hearts is that huge almost-toothless grin that shows how happy this pup is in its own skin.

Face in the breeze.

One of the cutest expressions on a dog tends to pop up when they have their head sticking out of a car window feeling the wind on their furry face. This dog is clearly having a blast catching the breeze, but maybe it should take a break because those look like two of the driest eyes we've ever seen. We’re all for living your best life, but on the next trip, perhaps pack some eye drops for the pooch.

Which way to the gym?

This bulky pit bull doesn’t even look real! It’s as though it just spent a day ripping reps at the dog pound. That big, happy puppy smile is almost too much to take, as we can’t tell if it’s ready to ask you for a cuddle or ask how much you lift?