What 13 Animals Would Look Like If They Had No Necks

When looking at animals, I am always amazed by how different their bodies are.

Zebras are black with white stripes to camouflage them from predators. Though it looks like they are white with black stripes, apparently, if you were to shave a zebra, it would have black skin underneath.

Giraffes are known for their long necks, but did you know they didn't always have such long necks? Their necks have gotten longer over time. Could you imagine a giraffe with a short neck? I know I couldn't.

But what if a giraffe didn't have a neck at all? Or any other animal, for that matter? It would be so strange to look at, like these animals imagined with their eyes on the fronts of their heads.

Well, another Imgur user has given us exactly what we never knew we needed — a collection of animals with their necks removed, and no, not in a gruesome fashion. These are animals reimagined to have no neck!

Imgur / Sadanduseless

This German shepherd still looks pretty majestic without a neck.

Imgur / Sadanduseless

I didn't realize how vital a horse's neck was until I saw this.

Imgur / Sadanduseless

This little guy actually looks cute enough to cuddle!

Imgur / Sadanduseless

This is just not right. I wasn't prepared.

Imgur / Sadanduseless

Oh man, Timon would definitely feel strange looking at this.

Imgur / Sadanduseless

Here is just a jolly old polar bear, strolling around like his neck isn't a big deal.

Imgur / Sadanduseless

OK, all of the freaky animals without necks were worth it to see this cutie!

Imgur / Sadanduseless

I didn't even know what animal this is at first glance.

Imgur / Sadanduseless

This elephant looks angry about something and he's not going to tell you what.

Imgur / Sadanduseless

That adorable, meaty pit bull head does not belong with the rest of his body!

Imgur / Sadanduseless

I refuse to believe this is what a cheetah looks like without a neck. How?

Imgur / Sadanduseless

This looks like a really tough guy who is confused about everything.

Imgur / Sadanduseless

Don't forget to SHARE these animals with all of your friends and family to give them a big laugh!