Dog Brings Home Two Bear Cubs, So Grandma Adopted Them Into Her Already Wild Family

When 62-year-old Bonnie Hart, a truck driver from Texas, first spotted them, they were just two black spots slowly plodding behind her black German Schnauzer.

Being the animal lover that she is, she didn't give a second thought about them until they got a little closer. The small shapes in the distance had grown increasingly larger, much larger than a typical dog.

“I thought they were other dogs," Bonnie tells Barecroft TV, chuckling and lifting her brows in exaggerated surprise, "and as they got closer, I went holy…moly, they’re bears!”

Pebbles and BamBam have lived with Ms. Hart since then, scaling the large oak trees in her backyard and splashing around the robin's egg blue plastic kiddie pool with their mom.

In addition to the two bear cubs, Bonnie also has a 6-year old white tiger named Anushka, who was given to her as a gift when she was a cub.

Although she welcomes the animals as her own, she does know the dangers of having exotic animals and is sure to carry a taser when she's alone with them. But she's made sure they were socialized constantly from an early age.

"Pebbles can get a little cantankerous at times." Bonnie explains with a casual shrug, "She's slapped me with her claws, and has bit at me a couple of times, but nothing like attack me."

In fact, these two are big sweet hearts, and both are equally equipped with a humungous sweet tooth. Bonnie says she's tried feeding them salmon and other fish, but they would much rather chow down on berries, watermelon, marshmallow, and "they will almost mug you for honey." says Bonnie, matter-of-factly.

Anushka, on the other hand, tears through 14-20 pounds of raw meat per day. Though many people are wary to get in the cage, Anushka views Bonnie as mom and allows her to pet her, hand feed her, and hang out with her in her spacious pen. If you're amazed by this woman's wild living situation, be sure to SHARE her story with her friends!