Can Dogs Eat Peanuts? Everything You Need To Know

Take me out to the… dog park? As a dog owner, have you ever wondered if they can eat peanuts? Everyone knows that peanut butter and dogs go together like peas and carrots, but can they eat peanuts in their purest form? Are they bad for dogs, or are they OK? As with all food that we humans eat, it's important to do a little research before you try and feed it to your dog. Though some food may seem completely harmless, it could actually wreak havoc on doggy organs or digestive tracts if served incorrectly.

As with many “human” or nontraditional foods for dogs, the answer regarding if they can eat peanuts isn't so straightforward. In a nutshell (pardon the pun!), a few plain, unsalted peanuts are safe to share with your furry friend. However, it’s wise to be aware of a few caveats, which we’ll look at below.

Can Dogs Have Peanuts?

Morgan Swofford for LittleThings

The biggest issue that you need to be aware of before sharing peanuts with your pup is how salty they are. Typically, nuts sold in stores are covered with salt, which is even worse for them than it is for you. Dog food contains some sodium, so your dog doesn’t require any outside of that. According to the blog The Daily Puppy, too much salt can lead to “numerous not-so-pleasant health consequences, including immoderate urination, seizures, heightened thirst, uncontrollable quivering, depression, throwing up, runny stools and raised body temperature.”

Fat Content In Nuts

Morgan Swofford for LittleThings

Another factor to consider when it comes to dogs and peanuts is the fat content. indicates that dogs should not be given macadamia nuts or black walnuts, both of which contain high levels of fats. Regardless of whether they’re “good” fats or not, if you’re feeding them to your dog too regularly, or if she’s consuming too many, she’ll quickly become overweight.

How About Boiled Peanuts?

Morgan Swofford for LittleThings

Peanuts are shareable with your pup, but they should be served plain, and preferably raw. If you’re wondering whether or not they can eat boiled peanuts, they can, but the same rules apply: no salt, toppings, or flavoring of any kind.

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Shells?

Morgan Swofford for LittleThings

Peanut shells are not considered safe for dogs to consume, as they aren’t easily digestible and can cause gastrointestinal upset, or even stomach/intestinal blockages. This is especially the case in small breeds. Peanut shells are fibrous, making them easy to choke on. Additionally, they are often covered with salt, even if the nuts themselves aren’t. For these reasons, it’s best to skip the shells.

Can Dogs Be Allergic To Peanuts?

Morgan Swofford for LittleThings

Dogs, just like humans, can develop allergies to peanuts over time. According to, “A dog who has eaten a few peanuts without incident in the past may have an adverse reaction to them a couple of months later.” Signs to look out for if your dog may be allergic to peanuts are skin irritation, excessive scratching, or even vomiting and/or diarrhea. Keep in mind that these symptoms would have a sudden onset if they’re related to an allergic reaction.

How Many Peanuts Can Dogs Eat?


Sharing a snack with your furry friend is a great bonding experience, since chowing down is one of their favorite things to do! Just remember that, as with anything, moderation is key. “Feeding your dog a few nuts here and there is generally not a cause for concern, especially if the nuts are fresh,” said DVM and integrative veterinarian Dr. Carol Osborne to You want your pup to be in top condition so he can live a long, healthy life. So, share a few peanuts with him every now and then if you want to. Just don’t go nuts!

If you have a dog who loves peanuts, please SHARE this article with friends and family.