Every pet owner around the world thinks there is no better pet than their own.
I might have more animals than most, with five cats and two dogs, but for me, no cat or dog is cooler than my babies. When I go on vacation, I miss them very much, even if I am spending time with a friend's dog or cat.
Edison Fontanilla, 20, knows exactly what it feels like to miss a pet when away from home.
While vacationing in the Philippines for a few weeks, Edison and his family began to miss their dog Kygo, who stayed home in California with Edison's older sister. They decided to FaceTime with Kygo so he could see them and they could see him. The results were adorable.
[H/T: BuzzFeed]
Kygo is a 1-year-old Samoyed and is the Fontanilla family dog. Though he's a family pup, he and Edison have a special bond.
Edison had the bright idea to FaceTime Kygo while in the Philippines.
Because Kygo is just a dog, he didn't know what FaceTime was. At first, he seemed totally disinterested in the call.
But then he realized that he could see his family on the phone! His excitement was adorable and heartwarming.
Just look at that smile!
Edison posted the adorable FaceTime call on Twitter, where it has been viewed and shared thousands of times by avid dog lovers.
Have you ever done this with your pets while away? I do it every time I am gone for longer than a day!
Please SHARE this sweet dog and his loving family with all of your friends on Facebook!