Deer Trots Through Kitchen Door, Then Gulps Down A Full Bottle Of Milk

As human beings, it seems like we have a natural instinct to take care of animals in need. There's just something about a suffering creature that pulls on the heartstrings.

And I mean, come on… I know I'm not the only one who bawls when something terrible happens to a poor critter in a movie.

Although the video you're about to see if a more mild situation, it still shows the endless compassion people have toward their surrounding wildlife, sometimes displaying it in the most unique way.

On February 2, 2017, a woman went out to her backyard looking as though she was searching for something. She called out “little girl, little girl” every now and then, and continued to aggressively look for the unknown.

Then, all of a sudden, a deer came charging out of the woods and straight toward the woman. But here was a catch: She totally expected the deer's arrival and embraced the animal's happy greeting, leading her into the garage.

The deer followed the woman up the stairs and into the home's kitchen, where the woman prepped something on a counter. But what could it be?

Lo and behold, it was a full bottle of milk! Judging from the deer's response, it definitely didn't seem like this was the first time this had happened!

Once the milk was ready to go, the woman held it out and the deer wasted no time at all guzzling down the entire bottle! Even after it was emptied out, the animal continued to suck every last drop from the plastic container.

Are you totally moved by this woman's random kindness toward a wild animal? Let us know in the comments below, and please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!