Dog Tags Along With Three Kids On A Toy Carousel, And It’s Adorable

These three adorable children take a spin on a toy carousel with a big dog, and it makes for quite the unexpected video.

I’ve never seen a dog ride a toy carousel before, but I was genuinely shocked at how calm this pup was as this carousel began spinning around.

The carousel came to a few halts throughout the entirety of the video, but that didn’t stop this dog from enjoying the ride and continuing to relax on one of the seats.

Not only is this dog well worth watching, but these three children are also extremely cute.

After watching the clip below, I couldn’t help but think of these two big dogs who act as babysitters for these children. It’s always refreshing to see how willing dogs are to join the fun and stay by the side of those they love.

From the young boy whose pants are falling down, to the other two that are just enjoying the ride, this clip truly is one of a kind. So much so that I really couldn’t look away.

If one thing’s for sure, I would love to replicate this video with a few friends and big pup as soon as possible.

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