Sometimes we fail in life, even in the smallest of ways. Dogs are exceptionally good at this, being the naturally bumbling, goofy, yet lovable creatures that they are.
So while you're busy failing hard at Halloween, silly human, your dogs will be busy failing at life in a million hilarious ways, thank you very much.
These are, without a doubt, some of the biggest dog fails of all time, so please enjoy.
And please SHARE these hilarious dog fails with all of your friends! Don't forget to tell us which one made you laugh the loudest…
1. "I'm gonna getcha...I'm gonna...!"
2. "Why can't I see anything, Joe?"
3. "I repent."
4. "Can I get a little help, Mom?"
5. "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle - ahhh!"
6. "I got it! I don't got it!"
7. "I can't..."
8. ""
9. "These boots weren't made for walkin'!"
10. "You call this FUN, Mr. Whiskers?"
11. "I shot for the stars...I fell in the shrubs."
12. "If only my legs were a liiitle longer."
13. "No one saw that!"
14. "Zzzz...huh?"
15. "Don't. say. anything."
16. "NO, human! No birthday!"
17. "..."
18. "You really need to get a bigger doggie door..."
19. "Oops!"
20. "Nothing like a mother's touch...Mom, that's you, right?"
Please SHARE the side-splitting dog fails with someone who could use a chuckle today!