Sometimes our pets are more tuned into the universe and their surroundings than we give them credit for.
This video story posted by Wonderbot shares the tale of a man who noticed his dog unflinchingly staring at a nearby sewer in front of his coffee shop, hearing what no one else heard: a child’s scream from inside.
Carl inherited his family’s café from his father and found himself enjoying the daily grind. He was always content coming into work with his sidekick Jack close by his feet.
One day while he was working, Carl couldn’t help but notice that Jack was fixated on the sewer outside his shop. Jack couldn’t take his eyes off the sewer grate, but Carl didn’t really have the time to figure out what the issue was.
The next day when Carl was walking Jack, he started to claw toward the sewer grate. Carl was running late for work and was simply going to leave Jack outside when the dog vehemently started to pull Carl back toward the sewer.
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It was then that Carl started to hear a voice calling for help from what seemed like down inside the sewer. Completely startled, Carl soon realized that it sounded like the voices of two children in distress. At that moment, he knew he needed to get help.
Carl called for help, and soon emergency services were on the scene. The crew went down into the sewer and quickly recovered two unconscious boys covered in algae and putrid water.
To find out why Carl visited the children every day in the hospital and ended up helping their family recover from a huge loss, watch the full video shared by Wonderbot.
While we can’t verify the facts of the story told here, we think you’ll be delighted with its heartwarming outcome. We could all use a break from the cycle of negative news. Enjoy!