This Dog And His Owner Perform An Action Sequence That Will Leave You In Awe!

When you think of some of the greatest actors to ever live, names like Meryl Streep, Jack Nicholson, or Al Pacino might come to mind. But there is a new star in town, and his name  is Ace the border collie.

Ace and his owner have masterfully choreographed one of the greatest action scenes ever.

Ace's owner walks to the other end of the room and when the dog is prompted, he comes running out. That's when the owner turns his hand into a make believe gun and says "BANG!"  — and wouldn't you know it, Ace drops to the floor. Just watch, your jaw will drop.

The exciting musical score definitely adds to the drama, but Ace is a true professional. Even after he falls to the floor, he mimes getting shot again, when his owner "pulls the trigger!"

Someone give this dog an Oscar, quick!

Dogs constantly wow us with their amazing skills. Remember this dog who filled up her swimming pool all by herself? Or this dog who performed an elaborate dance routine with his owner?

All I can say about Ace the corder collie is that Arnold Schwarzenegger better watch his back!

SHARE this story if you thought Ace was amazing.

Source: Dramatic dog performs action scene with owner by Positivedogcare on Rumble