Sometimes dogs make incredible sports companions — maybe even better than some humans.
There are some furry friends that can be great company when you want to skateboard in the park, while others make great goalies when you're in the mood to play a little soccer.
However, the dog in the video below has a slightly different idea of what makes a good teammate — and what he does might just be the best thing I've seen all day!
As his owner shoots some pool, the dog appears to be cheering him on as he barks and barks. He even jumps up and places his paws on the pool table to get a closer look.
But just wait till you see what he does when the red ball comes his way. His true intentions are revealed in this priceless and hilarious moment. Even the person taping is heard laughing uncontrollably.
America's Funniest Home Videos properly captioned the video: "This dog doesn't play by the rules!"
This mischievous pooch reminds me of my Jack Russell terrier Charlie, because there's no telling what he'll do when balls come his way. He'll seriously stop at nothing to play with them.
Watch the video below and please SHARE if he reminds you of your dog, too!