We've seen some adorable and unlikely pairs of animal friends, like a pit bull whose best friend is a chicken and a cat who is convinced a baby goat is its biological sibling.
The inseparable duo you're about to meet is a brown mama cow and the little puppy she raised.
After Rookie's mom died shortly after giving birth to the puppy, the cow stepped in to raise the orphaned pup herself. For two years, they lived, ate, played, and slept side by side in a farmer's barn. Rookie followed the cow everywhere, sleeping on her back and taking shelter between her legs whenever she was scared or needed comforting.
But the farmer found that raising his two cows became too much, and he had to give the brown mama cow to another farmer who lived nearby.
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As you're about to see see, Rookie could not have been more heartbroken by the separation. He yelped and cried, refused to eat, and spent the day longing for his mother to come back. At one point, Rookie even ran off the farm to follow his mama's voice as she mooed from her new stall.
In the end, the farmer changed his mind and decided to keep the cow for the sake of the puppy who loves her. Thank goodness it's a happy ending!
Since Rookie was so used to her bovine kin, it was important that she socialize with other dogs. So the farmer took his kindness one step further by bringing another animal into the mix… and it's a meeting you don't want to miss.
*Note: Make sure to click the "cc" option for subtitles when viewing this clip.