Dog Gets Hilarious Revenge By Spraying His Owner With The Hose

Dogs are often a lot smarter than we give them credit for.

Take a look at these two pups who worked together to get their favorite toy out of the pool, and you'll see that some dogs are just full of surprises. The thing is, sometimes our pets' intelligence can be used against us, especially when it comes time to take a bath.

It's no secret to dog owners that most pooches love to swim, but absolutely loathe a bath, shower or good old hose-down. In the following video, we see one dog who has just decided enough is enough. When his owner tried to spray this black Lab in the backyard, the particularly clever dog decided to get some hilarious revenge for all of the unwanted baths he has been forced to take over the years.

The dog grabs the running garden hose with his mouth and then starts chasing his owner around the yard, turning the tables and giving him a hose-down he will never, ever forget. If you're a dog owner, you just have to laugh at this, but be warned… You never, ever know when something like this could go down with your pooch!

Are you cracking up, too? Please SHARE this video on your Facebook page to show all of your friends!