Partners Derek Walter and Steve Jenkins adopted an adorable, tiny piggie named Esther back in 2012, thinking that she would be perfect for their 1,000-square foot home with two cats, two rescue dogs, and a modestly sized backyard.
Steve's friend from high school had contacted him and explained that the allegedly six-month-old pig could no longer live with them and needed a new family, and Steve was happy to oblige (without asking Derek first. Oops).
However, when Esther was taken to the vet, they raised some concerns about her appearance, including her cropped tail.
What happened next shocked everyone, but in the end, was totally worth it.
Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to watch a video of what Esther's up to these days…
Please SHARE Esther's incredible story with all of your friends and loved ones!
Esther's previous owners told Steve that she would grow to be just 70 pounds.

But then Esther started growing...

And growing and growing...until Steve and Derek realized that she was not a mini-pig at all.

Esther was in fact a commercial pig, the kind raised on farms, and would end up growing to a whopping 670 pounds!

Luckily, the couple and their animals had already fallen head-over-heels in love with her, and resolved to keep her in their family.

Just having Esther in their home prompted Steve and Derek to choose a vegan diet.

"We were pretty typical people," Steve told The Huffington Post.

"We were two totally normal, meat-eating omnivores who because of a Facebook message from a high school friend met and fell in love with a pig that changed our lives."

Derek and Steve even trained Esther to go potty outside like a dog.

They serve Esther special kibble for pigs, and she gets just as excited at mealtime as the dogs!

They even moved to a bigger house so that she would have plenty of room to run around, play, and root.

The couple hopes to raise enough money to buy 43 acres of a farm, which will be open to visitors to visit and enjoy while hiking, skiing, shopping at a vegan market and communing with all of their animals.

Steve and Derek have been inspired to become animal welfare activists, and have even started a popular Facebook page for their piggie in which they share weekly updates with their fans.

"All we did was give her a chance to show the world her personality and that amazing smile that people have fallen in love with," Steve told HuffPost. "Without us she would've been a package of bacon or a slab of pork. But she got the chance to live."

We're sure Esther would express her gratitude, but she's busy right now taking her afternoon nap.

Ah, it's a pig's life!

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