Our dogs can be brave, protective, loyal animals when they sense their humans are in even the slightest amount of danger — that is, if they aren't scared by something that's totally ridiculous and funny.
Each dog comes with their own set of silly quirks that can turn them into the biggest baby about the strangest things. Vacuums and thunder are usually at the top of the list of things that terrify dogs. The examples below that folks shared on Reddit, however, are honestly way more entertaining.
But these hilarious antics are all part of why we love them so much! Take a look below to see all the funny things that have actually scared dogs.
Does your pooch have any of the same odd phobias? Or does something even more bizarre give them the creeps?
Let us know in the comments at the very bottom and be sure to SHARE all these funny stories of frightened pets with your friends!
[H/T: Reddit]
Thumbnail source: YouTube 1, 2
1. Dog Toys

"My dog is afraid of her own toys. She also loves to play with them. This leads to a deeply conflicted psychological state, where she will pick up a toy, run around with it for a few seconds, realize what she has done, drop the toy, and then run from it as if it were made of lava.
"If I go and pick up the toy, it suddenly becomes safe again and she wants to play with it. I will throw it for her, she will pick it up, and the entire process begins again." — mega05
2. BBQ Tongs

"My dog absolutely hates when I click the BBQ-tongs in his direction." — squash_buddy
3. Bicycles

"Bicycles; not when we're walking down the street and someone rides by, but when it's leaning in the front hallway or is chained up outside, completely inactive." — TessDevin
4. Air Conditioners

"My dog tried to fight my air conditioner. If noise is coming out of the vent, she just stands on it and keeps slamming her paw on it until it turns off." — Reddit user
5. Watermelons

"I was out walking him a while back, when we discovered a patch of wild watermelons growing along the sidewalk. He was doing his normal doggie thing, sniffing around and looking for places to pee, until he saw an actual melon.
"At that point, he jumped back, gave one of the biggest 'wtf is that???' looks I've ever seen him give, and refused to go near it again. For some reason, they appear to be vicious, corgi-eating monsters." — lbeaty1981
6. Leaves

"If she hears a tree rustle or a single leaf gets carried in the wind in her direction she will yank as hard as she can on her leash, thrash her neck around and release a scream of terror.
"People will immediately come out of their houses and assume that I am trying to murder her, when in fact it was a leaf that blew in her direction." — sweetstylemoss
7. Balloons

"My pit bull is TERRIFIED of balloons. This 80lb dog literally leapt into my arms on the couch the first time one came near her." — Mujlet
8. Rearranged Furniture

"If we move the furniture around and then let the dog in, he loses it, starts barking at the chairs and then searches for the intruder that broke in and messed with his house." — Dave_NZ
9. Smoke Alarms

"She gets so afraid when the smoke alarm has that 'time to change your battery' chirp. She looks for the culprit for awhile but eventually runs away to climb onto my lap." — kevik72
10. Lawnmowers

"When I mow my lawn they are perfectly fine. But once they hear my neighbor's lawnmower start up they go crazy and try to find a place to hide." — odnalyd
11. Hiccups

"Of all things, she is afraid of hiccups." — Quintus_78
12. Doorways

"Walking through a door head first. In or out of the house, any doorway in the house. He will walk to the door, turn 180 degrees, then back through the door. Every. Single. Time." — TBarnyard32
Does your pooch have an even sillier fear? Let us know below and be sure to SHARE with your friends!
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.