Harley, a German shepherd, could not be more excited to see his dad — and, after months apart, who can blame him? In the video below, the dog can barely contain himself when he sees his soldier "daddy" for the first time since the Staff Sergeant was deployed. It's pretty easy to see why this might be one of the best clips of a dog welcoming a soldier home around.
As you can see in the video, this adorable dog was beyond excited for his hero to come home. At first, Harley walks into the room unaware that the serviceman is home. But as soon as the dog sees the soldier, he instantly goes crazy. Overwhelmed by the reunion, the dog leaps up and rolls on his back as his daddy pats his belly and hugs him. It's so beautiful. This adorable pup cannot contain himself as he clutches to his owner and gives those sweet, sweet doggie kisses.
This reunion just doesn't get old. Dogs truly are man's best friend. This video makes me well up with tears! Grab some tissues, because this is such an amazing reunion.
Enjoy, and please SHARE this with all the dog lovers you know.