If you live next to a wooded area or even in the suburbs, chances are you've seen wild animals out and about.
Perhaps one of the most common species to be seen is a deer. They all look about the same but are instantly recognizable.
But when Daniel Bevins and a group of his hunter friends were driving home in Buchanan County, Iowa, they saw something quite unnatural by the side of the road. When he saw it out of the corner of his eye, Daniel simply had to stop to investigate the "white blob" in the grassy field. As he got closer to it, he found himself close to a herd of deer.
Among them was an all-white deer, which he believes to be an albino deer.
It was an incredible sight. The albino deer is part of an urban legend in the area, and Daniel knows that what he witnessed is pretty rare.
Upon taking a closer look at the photos taken at the scene, experts are unsure if the deer is in fact albino or is simply all white.
In both cases, it's illegal for hunters to kill these special animals.
Have you ever seen a white deer where you live? Let us know in the comments!
Please SHARE if you would love to see one of these beautiful white deer in the flesh, just like Daniel did!