An active cat generally makes for a happy cat.
When Instructables user thattori's cats needed a new place to occupy their curiosities all day long, this DIY-er got to work building his precious beauties the cat tower of their dreams.
Early on, this builder chose to use Japanese cedar to bring his design to life. Not only would this material make for a sturdy structure, but, if in the future he chose to dismantle his tower for any reason, he'd likely be able to repurpose the wood for a different project.
This thoughtful pet parent peppered all sorts of fun climbing and lounging features into his tower's design, ensuring the space would hold his cats' attention for hours on end.
After diligent planning, this creator pieced together his unique project.
Eventually, this DIY-er built his adorable cats a gorgeous tower they immediately grew to love.
Keep scrolling through our gallery to learn more about this fantastic DIY cat tower design.
When Instructables user thattori's cats needed a new place to play, this crafty builder got to work building them a unique tower they could explore and enjoy.
After careful planning, this DIY-er began his build by piecing his cat tower's frame together out of Japanese cedar.
With his cedar frame set, this cat father stacked plank after plank in place.
Once he positioned a comfy cushion into his tower's base, he invited his adorable cats inside to start feeling out their new digs.
This builder then glued different cedar pieces all along the tower's inner walls, so his pets could climb to their hearts' content.
As he continued assembling his tower, this builder fashioned all sorts of differently purposed areas for his cats to navigate.
This clever builder even situated a liter box within his cat tower's walls.
This way, his cats wouldn't need to travel far whenever nature called.
In time, this crafty creator pieced together a gorgeous play place to keep his cats active all day long.
Complete with steps to climb, platforms to lounge upon, and different snacking areas, this cat tower is truly a feline wonderland.
When this DIY'er's cats needed somewhere new to play, he built his lucky pets a gorgeous cat tower, full of fabulous amenities.
What do you think of this cat tower? Have you ever built a DIY project for your cats to enjoy? Let us know in the comments.
Please SHARE this awesome cat tower with other DIY-ers and cat lovers in your community!