This Labrador Retriever Loves To Walk But I Didn’t Expect Him To Do THIS! Awww!

The bond between pets in the same family is one of the most beautiful things you'll ever see. Sure, there are some pets that don't get along that well, but most animals in the same home not only love and care for each other, but they also protect and look after one another as well.

And that feeling of love and companionship is what makes the below video, uploaded by YouTuber Levi Pounds, such a heartwarming thirty seconds.

In the video, you'll see as an older, white Lab takes it upon himself to walk his puppy brother, a little dachshund. No, that doesn't mean that he walks next to him as the family goes on a leisurely stroll. This white Labrador retriever actually grabs the dachshund's leash in his mouth and walks that pooch as if he's its owner!

It is so cute and so touching to see the older dog looking out for the younger one in this way. With all the snow on the ground, maybe the Lab is worried his puppy brother will slip, or maybe he just wants to make sure the little guy can keep up with everyone.

Either way, it's a really sweet moment that only lasts for thirty seconds because, well, one dog walking another dog doesn't really work out so well for the humans involved. The leash soon gets tangled around someone's legs and that puts an end to the cuteness.

But for those thirty seconds, the white Lab looked just like a proud papa holding that leash in his doggy jaws and leading the way for the diminutive dachshund. How cool!

Please SHARE this adorable video with all your friends and family!!