16 People Foods You Can Share With Your Dog!

Everyone who owns a pet knows the feeling: You're enjoying dinner or a late night snack and you feel a familiar paw tapping at your leg or maybe a cool nose pressed against your arm. Undoubtedly, it's your precocious pup just wondering what you're noshing on and feeling a wee bit jealous. Chances are, if you love your pet, you feel a little guilty for not sharing with your fur baby

While not all human foods are good for your canine friends (we're looking at you, chocolate!), there are plenty of "people foods" that are 100% okay to share.

Speaking of sharing, please SHARE this list with your fellow dog-loving pals.



When it comes to vegetables, broccoli is a great one for your pooch, as it contains 33 cancer-preventing compounds and also helps to boost your dog's immune system. Too much of the green, however, can reduce your pup's thyroid function, so moderation is key.

Sweet Potatoes


Sweet potatoes may be sweeter than regular potatoes, but they're also a heck of a lot healthier for both you and your dog. These super potatoes contain tons of vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium and more to keep your pet healthy.

Green Beans

Pawsitively Goodlife

Watching your dog's weight? Green beans are the perfect snack as they're both low-cal and nutritious, full of vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and a ton of other essential nutrients. Just make sure your green beans have no salt – your dog will still love 'em!



An apple a day keeps the dentist away! Feeding your dog apples helps to clean his teeth, while also providing fiber and vitamins A & C. Just make sure your pet's apple is seed and core free.



These facts are bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. And this yellow fruit is a great treat for your pup, as they're full of potassium and fiber and will provide your furry friend with extra nutrients and energy. Just be careful or your pet may have a little trouble with their P-O-O-P.


Dogs Who Twitter

While people may have gone too far with putting pumpkin in EVERYTHING, it's actually great for your dog's digestive system. Whether its fresh pumpkin or from a can, the fiber in pumpkins will help put your pooch's temperamental tummy at ease.



It may sound cheesy, but cheese make the perfect treat for your pet during training or just because. If your pooch isn't lactose intolerant, it's perfectly okay to share your string cheese with your precious pet.

Cottage Cheese

Fearful Dogs

Like regular cheese, cottage cheese is another furry-friend-favorite. It's chock full of protein and calcium and can easily be mixed with your dog's food for an extra dose of nutrition.



Like cottage cheese, yogurt is high in calcium and protein. Additionally, the bacteria in yogurt make it good for your dog's digestion, like pumpkin. Just make sure to stay away from yogurt with sugar and other sweeteners.

Peanut Butter


Peanut butter is high in protein and healthy fats, making it a healthy treat for man's best friend. While it's the perfect treat for your pup, it's also bound to be a treat for you as there are few things funnier than a dog dealing with the sticky texture of peanut butter.


The Dog Breeds Bible

Like peanut butter, eggs are an excellent source of protein for your pup and can also add some shine to her coat. Believe it or not, your dog can eat every part of the egg, including its shell, which has proven nutritious for canines.


The Cozy Apron

Chicken is a protein-packed treat for your pooch, best served boiled, baked or grilled. Your doggie will TRULY be your best friend if you ditch the canned food and serve them up some chicken for their next meal.


Cutest Dog Ever

Cooked salmon is chock full of omega 3 fatty acids, which has a ton of benefits for your pet. It'll help your dog's coat stay shiny and their immune system strong. Just skip out on sharing your sushi with Rover, as raw salmon can make him super ill.


Autoclub South

While you may not be able to serve your pup sushi, you can certainly share your leftover rice. It makes the perfect meal if your dog has tummy troubles and needs something bland, while also providing energy when he's under the weather.

Hot Dogs

Frank Heydenrych

Just as we crave something a little unhealthy every now and then, hot dogs make a great sometimes treat for your dog. While they probably aren't the most nutritious treat, you can safely share your summer BBQ treat with your pet.



Like hot dogs, popcorn isn't something to feed your dog all the time, but it certainly makes a crunchy treat. It's low-calorie and contains potassium, phospohorous, magnesium and calcium so it's okay to share during movie night. Just skip the butter and salt – both Rover and your own waistline will thank you!