As a kid, I had lots of friends who had pet rodents: mice, rats, gerbils, guinea pigs, and so on, and I always desperately wanted one.
My parents only ever let me have pet fish, so I really wanted something that was easy to take care of and lived in a cage, but was still fuzzy and possible to play with. A gerbil or a hamster seemed like the perfect solution, but my parents didn't agree.
And after watching the video below, I totally understand why. While rodents seem like they should be as easy to take care of as fish, they're much more clever.
They learn quickly and figure out how to get out of their cages, how to escape their hamster balls, and more.
In the video below, watch this person's pet rat, Lucy, prove just how smart she is. The clever little rat runs around, then finds her way to her owner's purse, where she starts rummaging around.
It's clear Lucy is looking for something, but we don't know what — until she peeks her head back out of the bag with a surprising item in her mouth: a $1 bill.
Lucy takes off down the hallway, running under the bed to hide her treasure. Apparently this is something Lucy does regularly, which makes me wonder: Is she saving up for something?
Have you ever owned a pet rodent? Let us know in the comments below, and if you love this story, please SHARE it on Facebook!