He Leaves 6 Pit Bulls Alone. Now Watch The Dog On The Right…

UPDATE: Due to new evidence brought to our attention by our loyal readers, we have decided to remove this pit bull video. LittleThings.com does not endorse the use of shock collars on ANY animals. We truly appreciate your feedback and apologize for the inhumane video.

We recently came across a video that looked like a well-trained pack of pit bulls – but unfortunately, we weren’t picking up on signs of cruel training. Because of our mistake, we did some research into how to identify whether or not animals (pit bulls includes) are being trained in an abusive way that don’t quickly meet the eye.

Sure, when we see obvious signs of trauma like missing ears or bite wounds we know a pup is in an abusive situation – but what are the more subtle signs?   Here’s what we found.

  1. The dog’s behavior is unusual: The gait is “jumpy,” or the dog is overly aggressive or severely shy – even with his owner.
  2. There are too many animals living with one person: This can be a sign of one of two abusive scenarios: A) The human in the situation is an animal hoarder or B) The human is using circus-style training to control a pack of animals.
  3. You see training implements: Shock collars, treadmills, and spring polls are all signs of animal abuse.

We’ve seen patient, well-trained dog packs do amazing things before, but that’s only praise-worthy when the animal is being taught with positive reinforcement.

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