Snarling Possum Scares Woman Half To Death When She Tries To Make It Leave Her Closet

Few things are as horrifying as finding out that a possum has made a home for itself in your closet. But I could think of one: How about finding out that there’s a possum hiding in your closet with babies on its back?

Even though the woman who finds this mother possum in her closet seems scared at the beginning of the video, she quickly warms up to it when she sees that this possum is a mother carrying babies on her back.

In this clip, this woman bravely handles what some might call a pretty dangerous situation.

She later finds out that you can’t actually force a possum out of its enclosure. Possums need to leave willingly without being touched or rushed out of their presumed home.

I thought this video was going to take a turn for the worse when this woman was using a broom to insinuate movement, but instead the footage captured by the woman herself took an interesting turn for the adorable.

I’m not saying that I would become friends with possums and start renting out my closet space to them, but I definitely have a newfound appreciation for this animal now that I saw this mother do what she could to protect her young.

What a fascinating moment this was to see on video!

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